Eclipse “Walk with Light”

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  3. Eclipse “Walk with Light”
Events at this venue

The Bowling Stones at Eclipse

Eclipse "Walk with Light" 100 Forbes Hill Dr, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

The Bowling Stones Season Finale Concert at Eclipse "Walk with Light" Saturday March 18, 2023 / 8-10pm "Let’s spend the night together" with The Bowling Stones. This Muskoka super group guarantees "satisfaction". This party band performs both the classic hits and the fan favorite "deep cuts" from "The World's Greatest Rock'n'Roll Band"... The Rolling Stones! […]

Walk a Goat with Muskoka Goat Away at Eclipse

Eclipse "Walk with Light" 100 Forbes Hill Dr, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Goat Walks at Eclipse have changed from Tuesday nights to Thursdays! Starting December 8th.  On Thursday nights at Eclipse, "Walk with Light", take a gentle goat for a walk with Muskoka Goat Away. Purchase tickets beforehand here. Goats are on-site from 6:30-8:30pm. To learn more about the Goats, visit here.

Walk a Goat with Muskoka Goat Away at Eclipse

Eclipse "Walk with Light" 100 Forbes Hill Dr, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Goat Walks at Eclipse have changed from Tuesday nights to Thursdays! Starting December 8th.  On Thursday nights at Eclipse, "Walk with Light", take a gentle goat for a walk with Muskoka Goat Away. Purchase tickets beforehand here. Goats are on-site from 6:30-8:30pm. To learn more about the Goats, visit here.

Walk a Goat with Muskoka Goat Away at Eclipse

Eclipse "Walk with Light" 100 Forbes Hill Dr, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Goat Walks at Eclipse have changed from Tuesday nights to Thursdays! Starting December 8th.  On Thursday nights at Eclipse, "Walk with Light", take a gentle goat for a walk with Muskoka Goat Away. Purchase tickets beforehand here. Goats are on-site from 6:30-8:30pm. To learn more about the Goats, visit here.

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