Maple Bluff Farm in Huntsville, Muskoka offers a delightful blend of nature and culinary experiences. This charming destination boasts two self-guided interpretive trails, perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in the beauty of the Canadian countryside. Visitors can explore the farm at their own pace, learning about local flora and fauna along the way. During select times, the farm’s sugarhouse viewing area opens its doors, providing a fascinating glimpse into the art of maple syrup production. The crown jewel of Maple Bluff Farm is undoubtedly its farm shop, where guests can indulge in a variety of gourmet treats. From small-batch maple syrup to delicious maple-infused goods and wellness items, all crafted right on the premises, the shop offers a taste of authentic Muskoka flavours. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a foodie, or simply seeking a unique day out, Maple Bluff Farm promises an enriching and flavorful adventure in the heart of Ontario’s cottage country.
Address: 398 Williamsport Rd, Huntsville, ON P1H 2J4
Phone: (705) 787-1536
Website: https://www.maplebluff.ca/
Email: [email protected]
398 Williamsport Rd, Huntsville, ON P1H 2J4